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Silence - Melathonin and Meditation

by Maria Ferreira da Silva

in 14 Dec 2016

  (...previous) Nowadays, many young people are born with a good level of intelligence but this is lowered by a precocious start to sexual activity. At the same time, emotional disturbances lead to Melathonin being used up at double the normal rate and under these conditions it is extremely difficult to replenish it.

Let us now examine the nature of the female, and women’s intellectual potential. These do not differ from those of the male, but due to the way the female is naturally created for conception and motherhood, affective traits and the emotions develop naturally to a greater degree in women. The area of the brain governing these overlays all others, out of biological and physiological necessity, relegating to a secondary role the female intellectual and creative functions. When, at a later stage in life, women are free of this function and are no longer subject to close ties with their offspring, they experience cerebral exhaustion due to all the emotion and stress they have experienced in life; at this stage, they often cling to their grandchildren, through whom they can still experience and relive the emotions to which they became accustomed in an earlier stage of life. Obviously (in most cases), the lack of stimulation to the areas governing the creative and intellectual faculties over a period of many years leaded to the atrophy of the cerebral glands, which makes women dependent on the whole of their past. It is this process that prevents women from reacting and creating a new outlook on life: raising their self-esteem and developing their creativity and independence. Nevertheless, if the mind and the psyche are still in a good state, it is not too late for women to start working again on the cerebral system, enabling it for other dimensions of living and being. All conditions must be created for the establishing of one’s inner balance.
To conclude, silence comes from a long process of spiritual development and can be a mystical state; here mystical does not mean fantastic, irrational or impossible to grasp intellectually, but is a condition of which stillness is a part, like an echo from the imperturbable and Eternal Silence. Thus, stillness does not mean mere idleness or an escape from the world. It is a self-contained and integrated realisation that one can live anywhere, as the condition of silence impregnates the being as a whole.

A Zen (§) story tells how the Emperor Wu, of the Liang dynasty, asked a monk, Fu Daishi, to proffer a discourse on a Buddhist sutra. Daishi solemnly took a seat, and did not utter a word.
After some time, the Emperor said, “I asked you to speak. Why do you not begin?”
Shih, one of the Emperor’s attendants, explained: “Daishi has already finished his discourse.”
“What manner of sermon has this silent monk preached?” asked the Emperor.


The functions of the brain and its two hemispheres.

The two cerebral hemispheres have distinct and complementary functions.
The right hemisphere develops spiritual aspiration, devotion, faith, contemplation and artistic creativity.
The left hemisphere not only develops the mental elaboration, the capacity for organisation, reason and the intelligence, but also, curiously, as fruit of my spiritual experiences, I have discovered that this half of the brain contains the cells bearing the “memory” of God. That is, the cells of certain specific areas of the human brain are impregnated with characters, and among them, there are some which are “coined” with the “memory of God”.
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