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Silence - Melathonin and Meditation

by Maria Ferreira da Silva

in 14 Dec 2016

  (...previous) For those who realise their true nature, the essence of the beatitude of the Spirit, there is nothing more inspiring than the silent stillness, which is left following the extinction of desire.
The Consciousness of God is therefore inaccessible to a mind turned towards the outside world. Only serene souls are able to reach God, as it is due to the extraordinary perception of the Soul, in silence, that contact is established between the Being and God. When the mind is subject to the action of the purifying “fire” (inner transformation), it rids itself of impurities and the unreality of the world, and recovers its crystalline brightness, which is the true state of the Spirit. Only when the mind is purified is it able to “immerse” itself in sam€dhi, the Supreme realisation of God.
Nevertheless, the experience of sam€dhi is only realised when the illusions of life are destroyed and left behind. Beatitude is achieved when the being rids itself of the burden of “karma” and “dharma”, halting the flow of desire, since feelings, which are by nature connected with the heart, cause emotional instability. A tranquil mind results from a heart connected with the heart, cause emotional instability. A tranquil mind results from a heart that has been stilled on its feelings and senses.

When the heart suffers and is unstable, if one tries to control the mind, silence will only be present for a few moments, since the heart seeks happiness, and it is through love that the heart is stilled. However, this conflict can be resolved if love is directed towards higher levels, where there are no feelings of possession in relation to the object of love, and silence can manifest itself as a state of being: it is felt in the heart and in the mind.
Even Meditation can only provide mental peace if desires for happiness are sublimated. Love, which is directed to human planes inevitably, causes suffering, even if one loves someone deeply and this love is reciprocated. In reality, this is a transitory state, in which human psychic instability itself leads to increased impermanence. In fact, no one can be certain of loving or being loved eternally. In general, there is no peace in human affective relationships, as it is in their nature to be unstable and lead to suffering. True peace derives from the realisation of Love on a higher plane, where one only loves and does not expect to be loved. In order to love God, the heart must be free of yearning for earthly happiness, on a serene surrender, renouncing all personal ambition, through the annihilation of oneself, with no desire for anything. It is out of this nothingness that silence arises spontaneously, as light as a crystalline breeze.

The contemplation of silence does not signify an evasive approach; on the contrary, this state of stillness is a necessary condition for the emergence of pure intelligence, the basis of the right way to live. Thus, a cycle is set in motion, in which a lucid mind contributes towards developing the brain and expanding consciousness, and the expansion of consciousness is the result of inner transformations and realisations that show us new mental and spiritual dimensions, giving rise to an ever-expanding consciousness.
Meditation qualitatively stimulates the pineal gland, which in its turn affects more areas of the brain, including those made up of neurons which contain the “memory” of God, which in most beings are inactive. Hopefully, scientific discovery will soon touch on this matter…
In this text on silence, we have seen how the brain works and how Meditation has a great degree of influence on it, enabling the brain itself to produce substances like “sugars”* (amino acids), and we have seen how meditation stimulates the pineal gland to produce beatitude. Long after this text was firstly written, I came across a scientific article confirming the discovery of a “liquid” that exists in the pineal gland, called Melathonin.

Melathonin is a substance produced by the pineal gland, which derives from an amino acid called triptophan.
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