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The Cosmic Expansion of Light

by Maria

in 15 Jul 2008


Each one has his state of Consciousness. If the being yet does not know the last stance of God, he can not speak about it, much less understand it. And where does it stay or is that last stance or state of Consciousness of God?


Determinism and Indeterminism

An indeterminist is by excellence “that” rebel who does not accept limitations to his freedom and to his supposed free-will.
Determinism and Indeterminism are one and the same thing, or better yet, one does not exist without the other. One is based on a law of probabilities, the other on the law of certainties. In Quantum theory, if matter is stimulated, the accelerated particles spread at random and in a disordinate way and they will end someplace: the law of probabilities. But it is already determinism which causes it to be at that location, as it was attracted by another similar matter. As it spread out, it caused something: disunion. Therefore, it was a cause. Now it will find out the consequences of the effect it caused, by discovering new situations where it will be subjugated by the law of attraction. The cause is probability, the effect is determinism, but it can also be the opposite…
Let us suppose we scatter grains of matter: the gesture of spreading is determinism, it follows a will. What will happen, or how the search of matter will pursue, is not known: indeterminism. But if all matter aggregates and groups itself together by the attraction exerted due to the combination of elements, it will join to the “determinate”. It is such a subtle law that it easily escapes mental analysis and it seems as if conclusions fade away.
Determinism starts in the smallest particle of matter, which contains within itself a certain singularity, which will attract other elements. If each particle is a characteristic of one element, it determines where it will aggregate. When two similar particles combine themselves, they cause harmony; when those particles cross each other but do not combine, they generate chaos.
Thus the Law of cause and effect is determined by the principle of manifestation, with minute particles of matter that either attract or repel each other generating Chaos and Harmony, being Cosmos the result.

Galaxies, stars and men, are all ruled by the same Law, as the Whole or the set of Universes in their greatness derives from the smallness of the grains of matter. Although manifestation is a constant attempt of harmonization, it is still very imperfect. Life is a swirl of wrong things! However, we can create good or bad things by manoeuvring matter on our earth level; and who will do it at the level of stars and Solar Systems?
Who controls the whole Cosmic System?
There is a permanent Entropy everywhere, as matter in itself is blind, whirling against each other (in the case of atoms, but it can also be applicable to people), in attraction and repulsion, promoting hazard, or in the human case, creating karma or webs of relationships. However, there is a plan designed for the Cosmos, including matter and humanity, in order that, through a certain order, certain objectives are reached. Only through wisdom can man put order in chaos, starting on himself.
This Law of cause and effect is the factor that moves the Universe, and it is both objective and subjective. These two aspects are so intimately and intrinsically connected, as determinism and indeterminism, that sometimes it is difficult to know which is the effect and which is the cause, as nothing is the beginning nor the end, but always relative to the existing interaction in the Universes. Where the cause starts for an observer, may be already the effect of a previous fact or thought for another one. Probability or indeterminism, relations or causality, are almost indiscernible, and, in a certain way, it is spontaneous and subjective; obligatoriness or determinism, are direct and objective.
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