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Maitreya Comes With the Spiritual Order of Portugal

by Maria Ferreira da Silva

in 07 Jun 2006

I bought a smaller flat and set a room to be the cenacle, for us to accomplish the ritual and meditation. I understood how important ritual becomes for our inner development. Ceremonies are like a common ground of meeting with the devas. The ritual is the accomplishment of the forces’ balance between men and Angels. To recognize angelic beings and spirits of nature is the chief role of ritual. Getting in tune with those forces, our inner being develops and strengthens spiritual realization. It is necessary to be in total union during the whole time of the ritual, not only with our thought but chiefly with our heart. Solemnity, Serenity, Concentration, inner Harmony and Love. When we establish connection, the Angel of Presence on the altar as well as the devas of fire respond with love. Perception of this link creates discernment. The result of the ritual is the total fusion of our inner self with that same ritual by our becoming it. Marriage between heaven and earth.
It was a time of enthusiasm and love for life, which helped me to bear the separation from the kids. But nothing lasts for ever. In this Universe we are directed, as well as tides by rise and fall. When there is rise in life, that is, happenings which we repute good and make us happy, we should always count on fall because it will come anytime when we are not expecting it. A being who usually gets a higher amount of energy than the average people do, because of his pure aspiration, is undoubtedly prepared to face the opposite situation-an unhappier condition-not allowing to be touched by suffering. This is because the pairs of opposites like happy and unhappy, pretty and ugly, etc, are the result of illusion in the midst of which human being live at this period of earthly evolution.
If, on one hand I had confidence in myself as well as in what I was receiving from the Order of Mariz and the Masters, it was not so with my spiritual companions for they were not feeling so much the higher connections or perhaps, because by being men and less sensitive having stronger mind could be an obstacle to reception, chiefly the third element, who had certain doubts since the beginning. Conditions were somehow different as to the second element for he could receive and feel sometimes the connection to the Order and to the Masters. But if this work was for Portugal and on Portugal, it was also for our own spiritual growth. The disciple, at times, cannot bear the ordeal, letting the venomous snake get in: Doubt. Doubts of the third element arose as the work went on because, as he was not receiving directly the instructions, he could not understand sometimes why things had to happen in a given way. If this work was meant as well for our own spiritual development, it should naturally alter all our habits, concepts, ways of life, etc. Thus we find out that human being have great difficulty in leaving old things. When the hour comes to “tidy the house” inside ourselves, it can be very difficult to deal with it because deeply rooted affections and links can bring along doubt and unrest; so let us have no doubt. Therefore a spiritual path led seriously causes a radical change in our way of living and thinking; either we have the courage to face it and follow it with strong will and firmness or it is better to stop it and remain in mediocrity like so many.
To take a firm decision means never to look back, no matter what happens. Spiritual Path trodden seriously is quite hard towards our personality, while our soul sings hymns of love to God.
And, mainly, because the second element had to take certain directions concerning his own path and it did not, difficulties started to arise until the work came definitely to an end. Now the questions of the third element were: how is that, that having been working for the Masters the work comes to an end?
The Masters do not impose anything nor interfere with our evolution or even take resolutions which are of our competence.
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