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Maitreya Comes With the Spiritual Order of Portugal

by Maria Ferreira da Silva

in 07 Jun 2006

I had nothing to lose, either name, reputation or employment because high values supersede all obstacles of earthly life when there is a definite goal and a powerful will.
On the appointed day for the meditation I had summoned in the Edward VII Park, I was expecting to have some sound equipment to attract people who might be around, because curiosity can stir the human being, but the plan was frustrated; the technician did not show up and he never said a word about it. That was the first failure. The first drawback was rain. Some people and some friends to whom I gave the message showed up. We meditated for a while. Some spiritualist to whom I had sent invitations, at the last moment, received orders from the Centre as not to be present. What was important was that some people would listen to the message. At that moment union with the Christ was so strong that when I was transmitting the message, Love and Light poured from myself to those who were listening. Some could apprehend it.

“I will show My Shield to Him who is
on the way.
I will show it to Him who smites each
manifestation of selfishness.
I will show to Him who keeps an appointed date.
I will show it to Him who senses the path
of Service.
I will show it to Him who covers his tent
with My Name.
I will show it to Him who bears his shield
I have revealed to you My will- do not
transgress it.
I will lead you; turn not away nor rend the
web of spiritual achievement”.
“Leaves of Morya´s Garden”.


“Thus in the battle one should keep
firmly near Us. One must learn to
love the places close to Us, as if
nothing else existed.

At last I felt that I accomplished not a mission, but a duty towards Portugal and the Masters. I felt also grateful for the opportunity to serve once again the Order of Mariz.
I pity the Portuguese, who still live subdued at mental level by ignorance, in which, mainly the Catholic Church insist in keeping her followers. There is great devotion and blind faith leading people towards mental indolence. The Church does not allow free thought, everybody has to think in a catholic way, and as freedom is not permitted, apathy and resignation predominate. Value or the right to freedom of volition are not recognized to the human being. If we are made in the image of God, Divinity dwells in ourselves and that is: Liberty, Truth, Will, Love and Force, which may be translated into energy of aspiration towards God. Then, if we are all actually this, why all this resignation? We have Liberty to act, Truth to know by intuition, Will to will, Strength to fight and Love to give. Let us be strong to assume our misdeeds which come from our selfishness, pride and love for comfort; and above all let us give the opportunity for one’s free choice to be manifested. Let us leave mediocrity by using our intelligence.
I am not against the Church, nevertheless I recognize that its thought needs amendment in order to follow human evolution in this mental and intellectual development. Religions exist to give humanity an impulse, not to hinder its progress. Religions are necessary and they offer men, a way of knowledge and a process of evolution which can, as a matter of fact, accelerate the development of the soul. We had acceleration at spiritual level with the establishment of the cult of Our Lady of Fátima. It was necessary to lead the Portuguese through devotion to the enrichment of the soul, but the time is now ripe to use the mind together with devotion for the control of desire and emotion. People function too much in the astral plane acting led by sentimentalism not using reason or enough self-control of situations.
The great majority of people only think of God exactly when crisis arise, owing to suffering produced by themselves. At those times they resort to anything e. g. vows showing those painful scenes at Fátima of people crawling like animals, offending their inner self which is Divine.
All this happens because of lack of light on the subject. For how long are the Portuguese willing to be kept ignorant?
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